PLoS Hub for Biodiversity & Census Special Collection

Later this year the Public Library of Science will launch the “PLoS Hub for Biodiversity,” a resource that will aggregate biodiversity research from a range of publicly available sources. The aim of this website will be to create a place to share the latest findings, ideas and tools, to connect researchers who have complementary interests and ideas, and to accelerate the pace of research and discovery.

PLoS is already working with many of the CoML Project Groups to publish Collections of their articles, primarily consisting of research articles published in PLoS ONE.  The first of these collections – from the Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) project – has just been made available and can be viewed here.   Additional articles will be added to this Collection over the coming months, as well as new Collections from the ChEss, NaGISA, MarBOL, CenSeam projects and several others.